HCC ERP Portal: Educational Resource For All Students

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The Holly Cross College Enterprise Resource Planning is a great online platform that was created with the aim of automating different administrative and academic activities within Holy Cross College, Tiruchirappalli. This system serves as a central hub for students, teachers and employees providing many services and functions aimed at increasing productivity in the whole organization. Here, we are going to cover about HCC ERP Login process, sign up etc.

Exploring HCC ERP Dashboard

When you log in to Holly Cross College Enterprise Resource Planning, the first page that will appear on your screen is dashboard. It’s like the heart of all HCC ERP operations where everything related to your account and actions done in the platform can be summarized here. To find an overview of your account information just keep scrolling down until you see Dashboard section after logging in. Here, you will find a brief summary about yourself some personal details such as your name and other academic records plus attendance for every role you play in this kind of operation management tool called Holly Cross College ERP system which includes:

The initial step to accessing the HCC dashboard as students is by obtaining an account first. It’s an easy method and makes sure that just authorized persons can access it. Upon registration, you would be required to provide necessary information which include: student ID, email address among other relevant details. This procedure constitutes a step towards creating a unique profile within the Holly Cross College Enterprise Resource Planning that caters for your academic needs.

Navigating Personal and Academic Details

You can explore deeply into personal and academic details on the dashboard. These may entail your full names, contacts details, program of studies, enrolled courses and grades among others. Also, it is a simple way of keeping track of advancement throughout your education with HCC ERP.

Using Side Bar Features

In the dashboard, sidebar acts as a guide map to navigate various functions used in the main platform. This enables you to easily move between different sections of the system through quick access to different services provided in this section. For example timetable checking assignments submission exam application etc., all these are tools whose links are under side bar that will guarantee student effective control over their learning experiences on HCC? Getting familiarized with what the dashboard offers plus its features will help users have an enriched experience in their interaction with HCC-ERP where they can make informed decisions regarding all processes at every given time.

Accessing Process of the Website

To access the portal as a student, the user has to register himself for an account. There is a simple and straightforward process. it makes sure that only authorized individuals can access it. At the time of registration, you need to give the essential information like your email address, student Id and more. Following the steps can help you to create a unique profile of yourself for your academic requirements with Holly Cross College Enterprise Resource Planning. 

HCC ERP Login Procedure

Once you are done with the account creation, you need to login yourself into the portal. Here are the steps to follow for completing the login procedure: 

  1. To login into the portal, you need to open any of your preferred browsers.
  2. Now, visit the official portal of HCC ERP login
  3. After that, you will get the login dashboard on the site where you have to enter your login credentials. 
  4. At last click on the “sign me in” option and finish the process here. 

Inspecting Semester Schedule

When you access the portal, you will be able to find the semester time table. With the help of the timetable you will get a brief information about your classes, that includes the timing and locations of the class. For checking the time table you simply have to navigate suitable section available in Holly Cross College

Have Comprehensive Details of the Course

While exploring the timetable of your semester you will comprehensive details of each course in which you have enrolled yourself. Including, name, course code, and faculty member. Moreover, it provides a filter feature, which you can utilize to maintain your timetable on the basis of a particular criteria like day, week or month. It aids students to manage their schedule smoothly by focusing on other necessary work. 

Download the PDF Format of Timetable

For accessing the timetable in a more efficient way, the portal allows you to download it in the PDF format. This version of the file helps you to check schedules offline. For downloading the file, you just have to navigate through the login button that is available into the timetable interface. Then you will get the time table in your suitable format just by a single click. Managing timetables can help you to fulfil your academic commitments. 

Process for Applying Exams and Making Payments

Here are the brief information regarding the steps to follow for applying exams and making payments: 

  1. To apply for the exams on this portal, firstly you need to visit the official website via your preferred browser. 
  2. Now, on the dashboard of the site you will get the “Exams” sections where you have to click on. 
  3. After that, you get the details of your exams. It includes the upcoming exams, exam code, name, date, time and place. 
  4. You can use the filter for finding the details on the basis of a set criteria like exam type, course and date. 
  5. When you have gathered the information, it’s time to move towards the application process. Where you have to give the confirmation about your personal details and choose the exams that you have to apply. 
  6. After filling the exam form, you need to make payment. With the help of HCC ERP platform you can have a secure and convenient payment experience. You just need to enter the details of your payment and finish the transaction by utilizing the provided payment gateway.


Holy Cross College Enterprise Resource Planning or HCC ERP is a compatible online learning platform that helps students to focus on their academics. By accessing through the portal you will get the information and helpful resources that aids students to focus on their academics and manage their studies for fulfilling their commitments that they have made to themselves. 

Author Profile


Khushu is a Professional Writer at theprimebiz.com, She likes to write informational blogs on trending topics like biography, business, technology, Fashion, Education News and More, She graduated in bachelor of Science (Bsc).
